Let’s talk about how we create and navigate our spaces.
When we create space, we not only navigate our relationship to the physical world (although it is very important!). We also navigate our non-physical relationships to ourselves, our family/communities, and our businesses.
Because our physical spaces are not just four walls, ceiling, and floor. They are our daily habits and passion projects, healing journeys, and creative voices. They are our entrepreneurial visions, community dreams, and cultural strategies.
Our spaces have complex identities, at times provide conflicting needs, and operate on both physical and non-physical levels. Just think of your local library. It provides both quiet/study spaces and loud/community spaces. It hosts events and is also a place of solitude for writing or researching. Nowadays, libraries support the community in a variety of activities like building businesses, self-growth practices, and providing child care. They are much, much more than a place to read/borrow books.
Creating space - whether physical or intangible - is really about developing relationships and navigating change.
And as such, it’s best to design with context, awareness, nuance, and a heaping dose of grace.
Or, simply put - let’s be sure we are creating space with intention.
Most spatial challenges start with a change, whether it be imposed or voluntary. As we are well aware, change can stress out systems, rituals, habits, relationships, mental health, physical health, etc, etc, etc.
The reality is…change is inevitable.
And reality can be a b****. (Yep, we said it.) If we’ve learned nothing in the post-2020 economy, it has been that none of us have control over external situations or organizations.
We are reliant on and intertwined with so many outside systems (that are ultimately controlled by others) that when they go away, we are left wondering how to navigate our lives without them.
(Pssst…this isn’t to say we can’t affect change to those systems over the long term if they are harmful or not serving the community. We certainly believe in shifting the dial towards social justice and citizen-first policy!)
Yet, having systems shift, challenging to access, or completely disappear is…hard.
Here at Spatial Medium, we are in the business of supporting you through these changes as they affect you and your spaces.
You can think of us as one part architecture and one part caretaking. In fact, our name reflects our mission…
Spatial [adj.]
relating to a space (physical or virtual) where experiences are created by the diverse values and needs of the people who interact with it.
Medium [n.]
a means by which something is communicated; the intervening substance through which impressions are conveyed to the senses.
At Spatial Medium™, we believe:
that space comes in may forms: physical, industry, product, intellectual, emotional, spiritual...private, public, collaborative…
that all experiences are spatial by nature and we approach each project and collaboration with this philosophy.
that each spatial experience communicates a set of conditions and intentions - some of them visible and others only perceptible with alternate senses or emotions - that dictate how we interact with, are supported in, and identify/process each space.
in doing good for our local communities and global culture, economy, and natural environment
in serving social justice and equity efforts by co-innovating solutions to the world's most pervasive issues, supporting activist efforts across industries, advocating space-making for marginalized communities, and amplifying voices struggling to be heard.
in giving every human safety, belonging, and love.
that how we each create and take up space in this world matters.
Ways we can help:
Spatial Pivot Plan Course
for Individuals, roommates, and Families
Are you having trouble shifting or creating space in your home? Moving through a life change or transition that is affecting your home, habits, and heart? Frustrated with systems that seem to work against you in your home and make your weeks harder to navigate?
Our self-led Spatial Pivot Plan Course is for you.
Spatial Experience Design
for Businesses and Organizations with physical 3rd and public spaces
Are you struggling with your physical space supporting new initiatives, profit goals, or day-to-day culture? Do you suspect your space could function better for yourself, your employees, your clients but not sure how? Are you rethinking exactly how much physical space you need and what it means for your bottom line?
Our comprehensive, all-systems Spatial Experience Design package will identify opportunities, activate stagnant space, and give you peace of mind.
Visioning + Consulting
for Entrepreneurs, Leaders, and Small Business Owners with unique-to-market offerings
Are you creating programs and service offerings but getting caught in the weeds or stalled out with an old model? Are you pivoting your business focus yet don’t want to lose the effort and work you created getting to this point? Are you feeling unaligned with strategies that you see others implementing with ease?
Our carve-your-own-path Visioning + Consulting sessions can help you find clarity, inspiration, and aligned action.
Keep in touch!
Whether you are ready for services or prefer to focus on DIY strategies, join us as we nerd out on all things spacemaking, caretaking, and changemaking!