Spatial Experience Design
for businesses and organizations
You've got space but is it really working for you?
Let's face it, space is expensive. For a company to invest in a brick-and-mortar - whether that be corporate offices, a retail environment, or social gathering/services - there must be commitment to not only putting down roots but nurturing them to stay alive with, oftentimes, the hope of vast growth.
The really lovely thing about having your own space is gathering people. People like employees, co-workers, clients, and communities are the fastest way to make a space come alive. They are also the fastest way to make a space empty if it isn't serving them or is hard to understand. The trick is to make a space that puts your people first.
Unfortunately, it's all too common for decision-makers at the head of a business to make those decisions based solely on growing the bottom line - not people. But in this mission-focused economy, that will only buy you a few years at best. Consumers are steadily "voting with their dollars" and taking the extra time and money to support businesses that have integrity and connection throughout their service experiences - virtual and in-person. Employees are searching for a workplace that will foster a safe and sustainable lifestyle, especially if they are to invest in your company for more than 1-2 years. If your space is not reflecting your mission and your people at every touch point, you will lose staff and clients.
And that bottom line? It becomes irrelevant.
“Understanding specific challenges with limited context, strategic direction, and how to design that improves the whole community - these are rare skills, and ones that Valerie displayed throughout our work together.”
Spatial Experience Design
With our Spatial Experience Design package, you will find clarity around the site-specific story of cultural, programmatic, and spatial elements unique to your space - those that reflect the mission and goals, those that could use a little help, and a roadmap to help you align them moving forward.
If you envision this as a multi-circle venn diagram with each element and group telling their own story, the overlap in the center is your space and the magic of your unique experience.
Spatial Experience Design Package
This is a 6-week service engagement for those with existing physical spaces.
Step 1: Prepare
Prior to our engagement you will need to upload a few things to your personal and private Dropbox folder (items marked with * are required for service to begin):
answers to the intake form *
any floor plans if you have them
Step 2: Spatial Audit (pre-walk)
Here, we will visit your space to spend some time observing and documenting our findings. The Spatial Audit focuses on (3) main areas of spacemaking:
The Container (ie: the physical extents and design of the space). Here, we walk around your space, taking photos and measurements as necessary to see if things are laid out correctly for your use, review any scope you have particular concerns about, and generally observe how the container is serving the needs of your business and community. If there are any larger issues that require a licensed architect or engineer, we will document and make note to provide a recommendation as to next steps with a trusted professional (we are happy to refer you to a group we have worked with in the industry).
The Operations and Programming (ie: how the space is used and functions). As we walk we may linger in areas that get the most traffic to observe more deeply. We may take some videos and photos to illustrate where something may need focused attention or discussion. We will also take cues from the intake form so please be sure to fill that out.
The End-User/Community/Staff (ie: if the end-users/community/staff are supported in moving through and using the space). When spaces are built, they customarily do not take into account end-user/community/staff well-being. This is the main reason we created Spatial Medium - to ensure that the space is created with all voices heard. We will talk with each level on your staff and those that enter and use the space (with permission and respect, of course). Our goal here is to see if any design opportunities have been missed in the main effort - and/or - to celebrate that things are working beautifully.
We will create a report documenting our findings along with recommendations for next action steps.
Step 3: Integrate
Once we have an idea of the physical container, discuss the intangible aspects of your day and synthesize their affect on the space and your experiences, and take into account all people using the space (if applicable), we can begin to Integrate what we’ve learned.
We will review with you our recommendations alongside your goals for the space/experience. Here is a list of what we can focus on as we integrate our findings:
Space programming
Business revenue opportunities/mapping/generation
Mission and ethos alignment/reflection
Physical space concept/schematic development
Physical space non-permitted installation builds
Existing Plan Drawings
Test Fit Services
Interior Finishes package
Community Engagement Services
Client representation + design oversight (for any/all permitted builds with an architect or engineer)
Schematic Design phase
Design Development phase
Construction Documents phase
Bidding phase
Construction Administration
Step 4: Implement
Once we have an idea of the physical container, discuss the intangible aspects of your day and synthesize their affect on the space and your experiences, and take into account all people using the space (if applicable), we can begin to Integrate what we’ve learned.
We will review with you our recommendations alongside your goals for the space/experience. Here is a list of what we can focus on as we integrate our findings
Step 5: Spatial Audit review (post-walk)
Once we have completed the development and work required, we will re-visit the space to ensure things are working the way they were planned/designed. We will once again look at the (3) main areas of spacemaking:
The Container
The Operations and Programming
The End-User/Community/Staff
We will create a report documenting our findings and assist with any shifts or tweaking to the space that comes up.
Step 6: Ongoing Subscription
Should you feel that having support in adapting and shifting your space for your business needs is helpful, we do offer a subscription service. This includes check-ins and mid-year Spatial Audits along with a set amount of touchpoints for shifting space/programming. This allows your space to stay relevant and resilient for you as your business grows and changes.
Who is it for?
This service is for businesses and leaders who have a physical headquarters or will be hosting an event/services in existing physical space. You know something could be better or you have a vision in your head of a future reality but you're unclear on how to get there.
What is the investment?
Packages start at $6,500.00 and are based on your business/space goals, square footage, number of employees, and volume/type of traffic throughout the space.
What do I get?
At the end of our engagement, you will have a Spatial Experience Strategy (see client example here) with narratives, diagrams, and images that document the key takeaways. Please note, each organization is different and each report varies in content and length.
Dependent on scope of project, add-ons could include Existing Plan Drawings, Test Fit Services, Community Engagement Services, Design Concept/Strategy, or full-service Design Packages.
(Please note: scope recommendations will be determined within the Spatial Audit Report.)
At the end of our engagement, you will have documented knowledge of the spatial experience and culture in your organization. You will have the confidence to address issues as they arise. And you will have the tools to envision a new, more sustainable environment for your entire operation.
The story of a growing business, a social good experiment, and an annex space gone awry.
Spaceplanning for profit models:
When you are running a growing business and space opens up next door, you jump on it! This organization was experimenting with a new co-working vertical studio but was having trouble integrating the two spaces because of a challenging connection point.
Don’t miss the Program + Growth Map we created below, taking into account the member desk goals as well as rotating programming. Notice that each area is defined for clear function and future revenue possibilities.